New exciting job openings

Research Assistants

NHP Research Assistant position
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Andreas Tolias’ research team is seeking a talented research professional to join a multi- disciplinary team of scientists and engineers working on large scale technologies for brain activity and connectivity mapping. We are hiring someone with nonhuman primate and/or large-scale electrophysiology experience who will be involved in exciting projects studying brain cognition using state of the art facilities and tour de force large-scale nonhuman primate electrophysiological recordings including neuropixels. The applicant will support a team of leading researchers in experimental neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and machine learning in an effort to discover algorithmic principles that bridge artificial and natural intelligence and link brains to intelligent machines. The goal of the team is to understand the brain’s mechanisms of intelligence and engineer smarter AI.

If you are excited to work with nonhuman primates at the forefront of neuroscience, artificial intelligence research, to understand the mechanisms of the brain, and engineer less artificial but more intelligent machines, please apply to join our team!
    Job Responsibilities Include:
  • Trains nonhuman primates to perform behavioral tasks.
  • Conducts NHP research experiments, collects data, and evaluates data quality.
  • Documents results of experiments and reports to team lead.
  • Works closely with collaborators on NHP projects and data collection.
  • Trains new staff.
  • Assists with protocol development and compliance.
  • Regularly inspects and maintains lab equipment and lab facilities to meet sanitation standards that assure the highest quality of animal care.
  • Monitors to assure compliance with USDA, PHS, AAALAC, Stanford and other relevant regulations, guidelines and policies.
  • Interacts and coordinates with veterinary services staff to assure health and welfare of animals.
  • Works closely and interacts daily with NHP to assist with aspects of their daily routine and enrichment program.
  • Assists with several aspects of surgery preparation and surgery, including organizing and setting up surgery tools, monitoring patient vitals, etc.
  • Works with vets and vet techs to assist with pre-operative and post-operative care of NHP patients.
  • Works with vets and vet techs to assist with injections, administering medications, and performing anesthetic maintenance and monitoring.
    Minimum Qualifications:
  • Experience Required: Candidates with experience in NHP work or large animal work required. Candidates with experience in large-scale electrophysiology will be given preference.
Mouse Research Assistant position
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Andreas Tolias’ research team is seeking a talented research professional to join a multi- disciplinary team of scientists and engineers working on large scale technologies for brain activity and connectivity mapping. The applicant will support a team of leading researchers in experimental neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and machine learning in an effort to discover algorithmic principles that bridge artificial and natural intelligence. The goal of the team is to understand the brain’s mechanisms of intelligence and engineer smarter AI.

The research assistant will perform cranial window surgeries and carry out multi-photon in vivo imaging experiments, viral injections for tracing and manipulating brain circuits, large scale electrophysiological recordings and behavioral experiments. The lab environment is fast-paced but extremely friendly using state of the art neuroscience equipment for large scale interrogation of brain circuits. We are looking for someone with meticulous attention to detail, who is self- motivated, friendly, good with their hands, and willing to pitch in with whatever is needed to move the experiments forward. Experience with mouse surgeries, microscopy or electrophysiology is preferred, but we welcome applications from highly motivated and talented junior researchers. Other desirable skills include viral injections, basic programming skills, molecular methods and histology. We place special emphasis in career development.
    Job Responsibilities Include:
  • Conducts research experiments, including multi-photon imaging and large scale electrophysiology.
  • Performs technical laboratory procedures:
    • Rodent surgeries with aseptic technique
    • Autoclaving surgical instruments
  • Collects and analyzes data and maintains records.
  • Enters data into the research database.
  • Cleans equipment such as surgical equipment, microscope parts, and cleans the surgical area.
  • Assists with preparing laboratory reports, progress reports for grants, etc.
  • Operates laboratory equipment.

Engineering and ML positions

Electrical Engineer
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If you are excited to work on the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and cognitive science to understand the brain’s mechanisms of perception and cognition and engineer less artificial but more intelligent machines apply to join the laboratory of Andreas Tolias. We are seeking a capable and highly adaptable electrical engineer to join a multi-disciplinary team of scientists and engineers working on large scale technologies for brain activity and connectivity mapping and to develop technologies to link brains to intelligent machines.

The candidate will work in a team of scientists and engineers to maintain and help in the further development of large scale technologies for recording and manipulating brain activity. Our team uses primarily electrophysiological and optical methods.

The applicant will support a team of leading researchers in experimental neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and machine learning in an effort to discover algorithmic principles that bridge artificial and natural intelligence and to build brain machine interfaces. Our efforts will draw on state-of-the-art neuroscientific data collected by a team of experienced experimentalists. This unique and ambitious collaboration has exciting potential for revolutionary discoveries in both neuroscience and machine learning. We invite candidates with electrical engineering, applied physics or related backgrounds with various levels of experience. Advanced degree may be substituted for field experience.
    The ideal applicant will have the following characteristics:
  • The ideal candidate will have in-depth knowledge of image and signal acquisition hardware (preferably from National Instruments), optics and microscopy (one- and two-photon), and basic electronics. Programming experience in Labview, Python, Matlab, C++ and Rest is highly desirable.
    Additional non-required but desirable characteristics:
  • Knowledge of Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Familiarity with: relational database and MySql, development tools such as Git and Docker, FPGA programming and TCP/IP client- server programming.
Software Engineer
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If you are excited to work on the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and cognitive science to understand the brain’s mechanisms of perception and cognition and engineer less artificial but more intelligent machines apply to join the laboratory of Andreas Tolias. We are seeking a capable and highly adaptable software engineer to join a multi-disciplinary team of scientists and engineers working on large scale technologies for brain activity and connectivity mapping and to develop technologies to interface brains to intelligent machines.

The candidate will work in a team of scientists and engineers in implementing new computational and machine learning features and maintaining different parts of complex data collection and analysis pipelines written primarily in Python and partly in MATLAB, as well as in provisioning and maintenance of the IT infrastructure for the research group. As such the candidate should be well versed in programming practices along with familiarity with Linux based operating systems such as Ubuntu. Some familiarity with Relational Database (e.g. MySQL) would be desirable.

The applicant will support a team of leading researchers in experimental neuroscience, computational neuroscience,and machine learning in an effort to discover algorithmic principles that bridge artificial and natural intelligence and to build brain machine interfaces. Our efforts will draw on state-of-the-art neuroscientific data collected by a team of experienced experimentalists. This unique and ambitious collaboration has exciting potential for revolutionary discoveries in both neuroscience and machine learning. We invite applications from developers with various levels of field experience. Advanced degree may be substituted for field experience.
    The ideal applicant will have the following characteristics:
  • Is very experienced in scientific programming in Python (Main Requirement) and Matlab (optional)
  • Understands basic software engineering and design principles for building and maintaining software solutions involving data acquisition, signal and image processing, data visualization and relational database.
  • Familiar with managing Linux (Ubuntu) based servers for computation, database and storage.
  • Is resourceful and possesses up-to-date knowledge about various software development and deployment tools including minimally Git/GitHub and Docker.
  • Is proficient at communicating with researchers from other disciplines
    Additional non-required but desirable characteristics:
  • Experience with Relational Databases such as MySQL (Administrative and Upkeep)
  • Experience with real-time data processing
  • LabView
  • Knowledge of Kubernetes
  • Interest or experience in machine learning, especially PyTorch
  • Interest in understanding the neural basis of intelligence and cognition
  • Unity virtual reality system and Physics rendering engines
Machine Learning Engineer/Data Scientist
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If you are excited to work on the interface of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and cognitive science to understand the brain’s mechanisms of perception and cognition and engineer less artificial but more intelligent machines apply to join the laboratory of Andreas Tolias. We are seeking a capable and highly adaptable machine learning/data scientist to join a multi- disciplinary team of scientists and engineers working on large scale technologies for brain activity and connectivity mapping and to develop technologies to interface brains to intelligent machines.

The candidate will work in a team of scientists and engineers in developing new machine learning algorithms and data processing pipelines for the analysis of large scale brain data including integration of electrophysiology, function imaging, electron microscopy and molecular data.

The applicant will support a team of leading researchers in experimental neuroscience, computational neuroscience,and machine learning in an effort to discover algorithmic principles that bridge artificial and natural intelligence and to build brain machine interfaces. Our efforts will draw on state-of-the-art large scale neuroscientific physiological, anatomical and molecular data collected by a team of experienced experimentalists. This unique and ambitious collaboration has exciting potential for revolutionary discoveries in both neuroscience and machine learning. We invite applications from developers with various levels of field experience. Advanced degree may be substituted for field experience.
    The ideal applicant will have the following characteristics:
  • Is very experienced in scientific programming in Python (Main Requirement) and MATLAB (Optional)
  • Experience in Machine Learning, data science and advanced image processing
  • Experience with Deep Learning, PyTorch and GPU computations
  • Experience in parallel, distributed and real time computations
  • Understands basic software engineering and design principles for building and maintaining software solutions involving data acquisition, signal and image processing, data visualization and relational database.
  • Is resourceful and possesses up-to-date knowledge about various software development and deployment tools including minimally Git/GitHub and Docker
  • Is proficient at communicating with researchers from other disciplines
    Additional non-required but desirable characteristics:
  • Experience with Relational Databases such as MySQL (Administrative and Upkeep)
  • Knowledge of Kubernetes
  • Experience or interest in Neuroscience and cognitive science
  • Interest in understanding the neural basis of intelligence and cognition
  • Unity virtual reality system and Physics rendering engines